About Us

We don’t sell halos, we stress basics –

Pretty much in the same vein as “you gotta crawl before you can walk”, our mission is to remove the mystery that surrounds social media. And the best way, the SocialYo way, is to understand the basics of social media before any strategies hit the planning stage and before any money has been invested.

We live and breathe this stuff –

It’s a 24/7 world out there and we live in the social stream night and day. Our sleeves stay rolled up and we are connected to the latest products, often beta testing products before public release. We tweet, we blog, we engage each day and every day in the social streams.

The social media world is in it’s infancy –

The landscape in the social media world is ever changing, almost on a daily basis it seems. Social Media is still a mystery to so many but be aware, the onslaught is coming. Developing a solid foundation and working knowledge of social platforms and tools is essential.

Jump on board or get outta the way –

The opportunity to cut thru the clutter, brand yourself or your product and outpace your competition may never be greater than right now. We understand the mystery and frustrations of learning social media and that delivery and patience is everything.