
We help professionals get in on the fluid, ongoing, real-time conversations that take place on today’s social networks. Our expertise helps you use social networks to your advantage for collaboration, referrals, networking, business deals and the sharing of information. By integrating the use of Nimble into your social strategy you can leverage your social contacts to grow your network and your bottom line.

One of the most important factors determining your online presence is your “profile.” Nearly every social network requires that you post some pertinent information about yourself, so others know with whom they are conversing. Networks like LinkedIn enable you to provide pages of information while sites like Twitter limit you to just 160 characters. Either way, the information you choose to put online is crucial to presenting the correct image for you and your company.

We can conduct a full analysis of your business and give you a strategic plan for which social networks make sense with your brand, goals and services.

Blogging, Tweeting, Updating, Linking.  Social media has changed business conversations from a one-way lecture to two-way conversations. Your now have the opportunity to turn your “static brochure” type website into a word-of-mouth marketing machine used to engage clients, inform prospects and share referrals. The more active you are on the web, the more likely you are to be noticed and welcome others to your conversation. The more others are engaged with your content, the more they can share with their own networks, thus enhancing your online presence.

SEO is the foundation that supports your word-of-mouth marketing efforts. We will help enhance your online presence by assisting with SEO, providing keyword analysis, evaluating the competitive landscape, and helping determine strategies to drive traffic to your website. With your assistance, we will perform keyword research and prepare a list of important words to incorporate into your web pages.