Hi, I’m Vanessa! Pleased to meet you. I’m an independent CRM Consultant, offering consulting services to organisations who are looking to replace an existing CRM solution or indeed introduce a new one. I’ve been involved in the field of Customer Relationship Management for the last 14 years, and believe that working efficiently and effectively can be a strong competitor advantage for even the smallest of companies. My personal experience includes many years of delivering Administrative and End User training on Siebel, Salesforce, Maximizer, and more recently Nimble.
I believe in helping companies find the best CRM solution to suit their needs, in terms of functionality, implementation effort and budget. I’m a Champion of Social Media, and the benefits I believe it brings. It allows organisations to engage more positively with the their customers and potential customers, by sharing relevant information and assistance to customers at the right time. This is one of the reasons I’ve recently added Nimble to my portfolio of CRM solutions. I love the fact that it provides you with signals for engaging with those people you value most at an opportune moment.
I also provide tailored social media marketing services to small to medium-sized businesses. I can provide focused marketing activity for an upcoming launch, fill in a stop-gap until you’ve recruited a full-time marketing resource, or indeed provide an ongoing part-time service for organisations who don’t need a full-time marketeer. I’ll spend time getting to know you and your organisation up front, in order to ensure that I represent you and your culture appropriately. I’ll also be proactive about finding creative ways to help you reach your marketing strategy and objectives!
If you’d like to find out more about me and the training or social media services I provide, you’ll find me in the usual places:
I look forward to hearing from you!